Connect with the right collaborators
Crowdsource talent for your music projects
Showcase your brand and work

Discover talent on JamWith, a space made by musicians for the music community!


JamWith Profile
Earn with music on the JamWith Marketplace

Customize your profile

Showcase your skills, share your portfolio, and add upcoming events to your calendar – all in one place. Our designs are modular, so you can customize it regardless of your role!

Boost your signal

Set a headline to broadcast what you’re offering or looking for. Show the world what you’ve got! We make it easy to connect with the right artists to work with and be rewarded for your contributions, freeing you up to do what you love most!

Collaborate and earn on JamWith
Collaborate and earn with music on JamWith

Collab on your music ideas

Connect on Jamwith

  • Artists
  • Producers
  • Multimedia Creators
  • Mix/Master Engineers
  • DJs
  • Freelancers
  • Venues

Are you looking for talent, seeking or offering work opportunities, or want to promote your brand?

JamWith is where you can earn with music

JamWith Team

Ray Ghorbani

Ray Ghorbani

Chief Executive Officer

Corey White

Corey White

Product Designer

Joe Lauer

Joe Lauer

Sales/Content Director

Bernard Garcia

Bernard Garcia

Chief Operating Officer

Dae Alston

Dae Alston

Copy & Marketing Manager

Sean Groebe

Sean Groebe

Full-stack Developer

Dominic DiGiovanni

Dominic DiGiovanni

Full-stack Developer

Sign up to the JamWith Briefing

We’re building JamWith for musicians to get opportunities to earn by connecting, collaborating, and showcasing. Keep up with announcements such as our upcoming online collaboration features!